On World IP Day on 26 April, IP Europe organized an informal webinar following this year’s theme IP and SMEs: Taking your ideas to market, to raise […]
1. What is your company’s technology solution? Fractus offers antenna technologies that allow: connectivity in multiple frequency bands; integration of the antennas within the device having a […]
1. What is your company’s technology solution? Energysquare, a French company founded in 2015, is developing the new wireless charging technology “Power by Contact”. Unlike inductive charging […]
By Richard Vary, Bird & Bird Takeaway Must owners of IP rights (IPR) that may be essential to standards offer licenses of their essential IPR to each […]
The LeadershIP 2020 video gives a good overview of globally relevant aspects of IP, standards and antitrust. For industry as well as for policy makers and […]
„Machen Sie Deutschland nicht zu einem sicheren Hafen für Patentverletzer“, warnt die innovationsfreundliche Industriegruppe [Berlin, Mittwoch, 23. September] Die in Brüssel ansässige Industriegruppe IP Europe schlägt Alarm, […]
“Don’t make Germany a safe haven for patent infringers” warns pro-innovation industry group [Berlin, Wednesday, 23 September] The Brussels-based industry group IP Europe is sounding the alarm that […]
[Brussels: 12, August, 2020] IP Europe welcomes the U.S. Department of Justice Antitrust Division’s (DOJ) recent re-affirmation that licensing standard essential patents at the end-device level is […]
Economy Ministers state that the EU Intellectual Property Action Plan can “incentivize R&D investments and foster key technologies” [Brussels, 22 September 2020] Building on June’s European […]