Patents. Open standards. Progress.

IP Europe represents the views of a wide spectrum of innovative organisations with a shared stake in the success of a collaborative innovation ecosystem built on patents and open standards. We are deeply convinced that this system benefits European companies large and small and European society as a whole by incentivising private investment in R&D-intensive technology that is accessible to everyone and critical to European competitiveness.

You can learn more about our priorities by clicking on the subject links below. We’ve also created an infographic of the IP Europe Policy Recommendations 2019-2024, which we presented to the European Commission at the start of its latest mandate.


At IP Europe we believe in the collaborative approach to technology development, which relies on IP licensing with fair, reasonable, and non-discriminatory (FRAND) terms and conditions. The IP Europe blog provides information and insights about how open standards and FRAND deliver the cutting-edge technologies that are the foundation of the European digital economy and economic, environmental and social progress.

The IP Europe blog does not necessarily reflect the position of any individual IP Europe member.

Planned withdrawal of the SEPs regulation is good news for European innovation 

We support the European Commission’s focus on regulatory simplification and in particular its decision to withdraw the proposal to regulate standard-essential patents (SEPs) from its Work Programme. The SEPs proposal […]