A robust IP protection and enforcement framework is the foundation of the EU digital innovation ecosystem. To continue investing in R&D, wireless technology developers must earn a fair return on their investments. This would not be possible without effective IP protection, which also enables collaboration and technology-sharing.
European innovators voluntarily contribute their best inventions to open standards development. They provide access to these inventions by licensing their Standard Essential Patents (SEP) at a single point in the value chain. Income from SEP licensing is re-invested, driving evolution of wireless technology. Effective protection for SEPs is critical to the continued participation of EU industry leaders in open standards development. Across sectors, IP protection is vitally important for European strategic autonomy and global competitiveness.
What is a standard-essential patent (SEP)?
Guidance for licensing SEPs: CEN Workshop Agreement
IP Action Plan: IP Europe Submission
IP Europe publishes materials for a range of audiences, including policymakers, companies, researchers, and the media. In this section, you will find our own policy positions, together with resources – publications, videos, and infographics – from experts and other industry groups.
You can also find the latest news about the protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights, including SEPs, in this section.
Global level playing field and international respect for Intellectual Property Rights
EU institutions need to ensure reciprocity so that non-European companies do not have an unfair advantage.
How does IP protection relate to cellular technology standards?
This document explains how standard essential patents (SEPs) are licensed, providing access to all for standardised technology.
Principles and Guidance for SEP Licensing
The outcome of a workshop hosted by CENELEC, this document sets out six best practices for FRAND licensing negotiations, along with information on current practices in the ICT sector.
WIPO report
The WIPO report on “Intangible Capital in Global Value Chains” and disruptive tech gives an economy-wide perspective with its case study on smartphones (p.95).
Horizontal Guidelines Consultation: IP Europe Submission
The Guidelines should confirm there is no "license to all" obligation for SEP owners, in line with SDO IPR policies.
Innovation policy and the role of standards, IP and antitrust
The LeadershIP 2020 video gives a good overview of globally relevant aspects of IP, standards and antitrust.