The FSA, ACT, and several other Big Tech associations have sent a letter and position paper to the Biden Administration’s new Attorney General, Merrick Garland. They advance […]
Cellular connectivity brings exciting new features to cars. These include safety features such as warnings about external hazards (like slippery roads or lane changes), emergency call […]
The smart meter industry was one of the first industries to adopt cellular connectivity for IoT applications. The adoption of this technology provides substantial cost savings […]
The Fair Standards Alliance (FSA) is an organisation that represents users, or ‘implementers’, of standardised technology. The FSA advocates the position that the non-discriminatory prong of […]
At IP Europe, we believe in the open standards method of technology development. This approach entails companies from around the world contributing cutting-edge technology to open […]
Open standards have worked extremely well for the development of cellular connectivity. We have progressed very quickly from the introduction of 2G in 1991 to the […]
There is a growing practice among certain mobile technology users to adopt “hold-out” strategies, also known as “efficient infringement”, whereby they use standardised technologies for as […]
IP Europe and the Innovation Alliance welcome the IEEE’s move to revisit its unbalanced 2015 patent policy. Ideally, this process will result in revision or removal of […]