News and views on open standards and patents


Are SEPs a “free lunch”?

There’s an old adage that “there is no such thing as a free lunch” meaning that is impossible to get something for nothing.  However, when it comes […]

Essentiality assessments: Incentives

Recently, IAM Magazine published an article by Ruud Peters and Nikolaus Thumm entitled “A six-point plan for a new approach to assessing SEP essentiality”.  The authors proposed six core […]

The value of connectivity in automobiles

Cellular connectivity brings exciting new features to cars. These include safety features such as warnings about external hazards (like slippery roads or lane changes), emergency call […]

Introducing the IP Europe blog

At IP Europe, we believe in the open standards method of technology development.  This approach entails companies from around the world contributing cutting-edge technology to open […]